Wierd and Diverse Traditions Around The World

                          Monkey buffet festival, Thailand


A monkey drinking coke…..

Thai people believe that macaque monkeys bring good luck and fortune to them so they hold this celebration on the last Sunday of November each year. In this festival everybody has to serve a lot of food to the monkeys. These monkeys keep snatching food and keep climbing on humans which annoyed local residents but they ignored that as this festival is an important tourist attraction to the otherwise quiet city, Lopburi.

Although Thailand’s primary religion is Buddhism which doesn’t appreciate monkeys as much as Hinduism, the Thais hold this celebration due to an ancient tale of a monkey who protected the city from a nasty demon. Strangely, this festival is quite new, 20 years old, but it gets more epic every year.                                                                – by: Taha Soliman & Kareem Alaa, 8 green


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